Step 8: Have AI Categorize All Your Words and Phrases

With this step, the goal is to get AI such as ChatGPT or Claude to categorize all of these for you in a table which you’ll store in a spreadsheet. This makes it easier to reference whenever you're working on a new or existing piece of content. What you’ll do is find that content’s more related categories in the sheet and use this as part of your keyword round-up process.

  1. Open up all the .csv files from N-grams and Top Unique Words and combine all the words and terms into one .csv file and in the same column. Delete all remaining columns. Remove any heading from Column A Row 1 and make sure there aren’t any empty rows, then export as a csv file.
  2. Open up ChatGPT Code Interpreter and upload the csv file.
  3. And copy all of the N-grams and Top Unique Words and paste them into the end of the prompt:

🤖 Prompt:

Attached is a list of terminology words found in the best information about [insert site’s main topic]. Analyze the words and create broad categories to put them under. Note that many words might not be unique to [insert site’s main topic], but assume they can be found within information about [insert site’s main topic]. Categorize them and put them into a csv file. Make the column headings the categories. Do not create a catch-all category such as uncategorized, other or miscellaneous. All words must be put into an appropriate category related to information about [insert site’s main topic]. Do not add any new words to the list or table. Every category must be suitable to be on a website about [insert site’s main topic].

Note: Results may vary. Each niche will be a little different in how ChatGPT decides to categorize words.

Another method is to go ahead and give ChatGPT specific categories based on your site’s categories. If you have well-thought-out categories for your site, this may be a good option. In this case, try this prompt:

🤖 Prompt:

Analyze the words and place them into one of the following categories: [insert your site’s categories, comma separated] Note that many words might not be unique to [insert site’s main topic], but assume they can be found within information about [insert site’s main topic]. Categorize them and put them into a csv file. Make the column headings the categories.

  1. Down the .csv file and upload as a Google Sheet and select the entire column, one at a time and go to Date > Sort Range and sort A-Z to move all the words to the top for each column.
  2. Go through each column and each word to verify it makes sense to be there.

What to do with this terminology spreadsheet

Each time you’re updating an article, find its most relevant category or categories from the spreadsheet, copy all of the words listed under it’s column and paste them into the keyword scanner tool during the keyword gathering process. The goal here is to find these hidden words top competitors are using that your page is missing. As well as identifying those you can use that your competitors haven’t thought of using for your competitive advantage.

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