Overview & High level process

A site terminology sheet is what I call an internal “knowledge graph” for your site.

It’s a set of very niche-specific words and phrases that are found within the #1 results of Google for the average search.

This sheet has one of the most profound impacts on my site’s SEO and my own understanding of my niche, even after being in it for 18 years. I can’t tell you how many aha! moments I had putting together my terminology sheet. It was incredibly eye-opening.

The process is a little more advanced, and I bet you haven’t seen this before. I’ve done my best here to break it down into easy-to-follow steps that either you or a VA can take.

I’d dedicate a full day or two to creating this sheet. There’s a bit of a manual process to it. It’s all easy to do, just time-consuming. And unfortunately, it can’t be outsourced to AI just yet.

First, here’s the process at a high level. Then we’ll go through it step-by-step in the next sections of this part of the course:

High-Level Process

  1. Gather a list of your niche’s top 100 keywords by volume (the more, the better)

  2. Get the pure text of the #1 ranking site for each keyword and put it into a simple .txt file (called a corpus)

  3. Upload the corpus .txt file to the language analysis tool - SketchEngine

  4. Run word analysis in SketchEngine and start filling in the terminology sheet for the top words and phrases (aka n-grams).

  5. Group your terminology sheet words by attributes (very niche dependent, can use AI to help organize and group).

  6. You'll end up with an internal database of the most common and unique set of words and phrases within your niche. Now, whenever you’re updating content or creating new content, you, writers, or editors can reference this database to ensure you’re including these important words and phrases.

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