Step 5: Upload The Corpus .txt File to SketchEngine
Now, we need to upload the final corpus .txt to an academic word analysis tool called SketchEngine.
- Sign up for an account with (just sign up as a freelancer or student) it’s a pretty cheap service (~$10/mo)
- Once logged in, go to the Dashboard, and near the top right, click on “New Corpus”
- Give this corpus a name e.g., Cycling Top 100 #1 Rankings, and click the Next button.
- On the next page, click “I have my own text” (avoid using Find Text on the Web Option - Many sites timeout or block their crawler)
- Now upload your .txt file and let it process (it takes a few minutes), and when it’s done, click Next.
- Now it will compile, so click the Compile button (it takes a few minutes), and when done, click on the Corpus Dashboard button.