Step 5: Upload The Corpus .txt File to SketchEngine

Now, we need to upload the final corpus .txt to an academic word analysis tool called SketchEngine.

  1. Sign up for an account with (just sign up as a freelancer or student) it’s a pretty cheap service (~$10/mo)
  2. Once logged in, go to the Dashboard, and near the top right, click on “New Corpus”
  3. Give this corpus a name e.g., Cycling Top 100 #1 Rankings, and click the Next button.
  4. On the next page, click “I have my own text” (avoid using Find Text on the Web Option - Many sites timeout or block their crawler)
  5. Now upload your .txt file and let it process (it takes a few minutes), and when it’s done, click Next.
  6. Now it will compile, so click the Compile button (it takes a few minutes), and when done, click on the Corpus Dashboard button.

Complete and Continue